5 Website Development Tips To Boost Your Business Growth Exponentially

A brief understanding as to why I use Centos
Many Business Owners are Brain washed to think Linux or Open Source is some type of back yard garage low end system. (Especially when there I.T guy is a windows administrator lol)
However this couldn’t be further from the truth and ill tell you why below but usually when I walk in there Server Room I see that they already have Linux Appliances and don’t realize it. ( Linksys Routers, VMware ( all Virtualization except for Microsoft, Apache is the most popular web-server in the world..  it runs on Linux, F5 Loadbanlcer, f5 3DNS, Oracle DB, now  think about it I would say 85% of  appliances are Linux based, Microsoft and apple are just to much overhead.) 

Linux if configured correctly is about 3 times more stable and ill tell you why

                      1. Linux can be written to server as an Appliance,   Like a Cisco Router it can be brought to only serve services it needs.
                      2. People don’t write viruses for Linux  so Linux doesn’t face the same downtime affected by viruses.
                      3. The world Helps out in Security updates and patch,  not just one company
                      4. No Screens Of Death
                      5. and much more


                    1. Also I Selected Centos over any other distro simply because It is a Enterprise Server –  Not much difference in Red-hat which is paid version now, but most of all  it does not include new versions of software that are usually have bugs in it. Software versions usually hod out for a year or so ( you can manually upgrade it on your own if needed) .  Anything Designed for Red-hat can be installed here   but out of the box I believe Centos has less overhead and is the most stable as an appliance without paid support.  ( I use Ubuntu on my laptop  because its GUI is remarkable and  makes the transition from windows to Linux less painful…  But For Servers  I am PRO CENTOS



Now we have installed XenServer and need to create our first  VM.  I usually create templates first so I don’t have to do repeated work.. (Time is Valuable)


Installing Centos on Xenserver.



If you are not using Xenserver you would need to download and burn the .iso to install (the screen shots will not look the same) Download here if not using XenServer http://wiki.centos.org/Download

Now for those installing Over Xenserver – Especially following our Book  “Building the Best Network” would want to continue below

  1. Right Click the Server at the top and select New VM.
  2. Scroll down till you see the Cent-OS 6.2 Template and hit next..
    1. Templete1

  3. Name You VM  – I chose the 01-Cent-Templete-62  Because I want is first in the template list and it specifies the version if I create more
    1. Name1
  4. For Installation media I choose to install over the internet (saves a lot of other issues  trust me)  For my test I use mirrorhttp://mirrors.sonic.net/centos/6/os/x86_64/
    1. network
  5. If you only have 1 server  you can hit next through home server.  If you have a pool  you should select your pool without a Home Server.
  6. For the template  you would want to set the default for the CPU and memory you would like  to have for all New Centos VM.
    1. cpu1
  7. Storage-   The default is 8 GB  I would strongly Recommend changing this to to 20GB as increasing later would be a pain (and storage not used in the vm don’t take space anyway in our virtual world)
    1. storage
  8. Network-  Select the network that the local server is on.    If you have our Firewall VM – then it would be the network with the second Ethernet called “Business LAN”  (important this is the network all the computers can connect to)
  9. Finish-  Yay  you finished now ready to start the Centos Installation.


Cent-OS-  I don’t think i will need Screen Shots  I will just break it down,  pretty simple here


9. After VM Started Select Language


10. Configure Network and Click OK.


11. In next windows you can select text based or vnc based installation. It is your choice I prefer to start VNC


12. Enter VNC Password two times and select ok.


13. Please not your ip address and port for connecting vnc. Start VNC client enter you ip and port and click connect.   (need download Win VNC )


14. After VNC Connected Click Next and Start Installation


15. Select Your Language and Click Next


16. Select Storage options


Discard any data


17. Select your hostname.


18. Select your timeframe.


19. Enter your root Password


20. Select Replace Existing Linux


Write Changes to disk.


21. Select Packages you want to install.


22. After installation done click reboot to start vm


23. After System Restarted Login with your root password and insert Xentools iso to Virtual DVD Drive.


24. use those command and install XenTools.   (my test  password “Cyford33Isgold!!!”)

   mount /dev/xvdd /mnt /mnt/Linux/install.sh  


reboot  and we can proceed to prepping.




It is easier to work in our Linux server with command line- then using Xenserver   so if you need putty to connect here it is:  Download Putty

 once download and installed connect to your new Centos Server

Now that we have our server Template all we need to  do now  is  server updates  so they will be on our permanent servers and installed common files that our other servers will need.

yum update
yum install -y wget perl sendmail make g++-devel nano smb*  cifs mysql-devel gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake nrpe nagios-plugins-all openssl bacula-client webmin nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib bacula-client                 

After this finished you would want to go to the webmin URL and click on:  http://192.168.(YourIP):10000/
Networking > Network Connections > Network Interfaces > Eth0 > Set IPv4 to From DHCP and Activate At Boot to “YES”

( Still Working on This Page)

Book:  Building the Best Network 


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Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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