5 Website Development Tips To Boost Your Business Growth Exponentially

One of the things that you should realize when working with HTML is that it is not just a markup language that you need to use in order to create a Web page. HTML is highly readable and understandable, even though you are just looking at its code. For the most part, you would see how everything is structured just by looking at its code.

So looking at the source code, you would be able to look at an HTML document and understand how a page would look like.

With that in mind, you should be able to work pretty well with titles, paragraphs and headings.

The Title Tag

As with any book, article or any printed works, your HTML document should have a title.

The title is required for all HTML documents and it comes with other benefits:

1. It will identify what your document is all about.

2. Titles also show up on the browser window or tab, making it easy for people to identify which tab to click on to access your Web page if they have a lot of tabs open at the same time.

3. It is one of the things that search engines look at in order to determine the content of your page. Search engine result pages (SERPs) will display the title of your document as the result’s main heading.

HTML for Beginners: Titles. Headings. Paragraphs

Ultimately, it will help you rank higher on search engines if you write your titles right.

4. It can be used by other systems such as WAIS searches and document archiving systems to identify your document.

5. Title tags are also used for bookmarks. So if you are in the habit of bookmarking pages, title tags would provide a good way to identify the pages in the future.

The correct way to write your title is to use the following syntax:

<title> Write Your Document’s Title Here. </title>

You should place your title element within the the <head> section of your HTML document.

When you have the <title> in place, you can now start writing the content that is visible to humans. It’s the content that you put within the <body> section of your HTML document.

Let us start with headings and paragraphs.


Headings are important to use in your document. They give it some structure. HTML allows you to have six different headings: <h1>, <h2>,< h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6>.

Headings follow the following syntax:

<h1>The texts for Heading 1 go here</h1>

<h2>The texts for Heading 2 go here</h2>

<h3>The texts for Heading 3 go here</h3>

<h4> The texts for Heading 4 go here</h4>

<h5> The texts for Heading 5 go here</h5>

<h6>The texts for Heading 6 go here</h6>

You can use headings according to importance. For instance, you can use <h1> for your most important headings and <h2> to <h6> for your less important ones.

You can also use headings to group and organize your content so that <h1> becomes your main section headings, while <h2> will introduce a subsection within your main section and <h3> will introduce further subsections within your <h2> subsection. If your page includes a title, you might want to use <h1> for the title, and <h2> for the main sections, and through <h3> for subsections.

As such, it is very important to use headings to:

1. Make your document more readable.

2. Make your document easy to skim. By looking at the headings, readers would be able to know the content of your page, the main sections and subsections.

3. Headings can also help your page become more search engine-friendly (SEO).

When you have headings in your document, make use of the headings tag. There are other tags that you could use to achieve the same formatting as headings, but refrain from using them.

For example:

<big>This Is a Heading</big>

may be displayed the same way as

<h1>This Is a Heading </h1>

However, if you are looking at the source code, it would be much easier to know that </p><h1> is the main heading than if you use <big> and other similar tags.

Take note that headings are not formatting tags and that they do not tell the browser how to display the content in any particular manner. It just so happens that most browsers recognize headings and they have their own way of displaying these. The different formatting you see for <h1>, <h2> through <h6> will depend on what browser you use.

You can, however, format your headings to be displayed by using cascading style-sheets.

HTML for Beginners: Titles. Headings. Paragraphs


When working with HTML documents, you would need to use the paragraph tag <p> in order to insert white space between two paragraphs.

You can use the following syntax when writing a paragraph for your HTML document:

<p>Paragraph 1 starts here</p>.

<p>The second paragraph would follow here.</p>

It is important to remember that you would need to add the closing tag </p> after you write every paragraph, because paragraphs are not empty elements.

You may skip on adding </p> at the end, and most browsers will ignore it and display your paragraph right. But some browsers may return errors when you do not put </p>.

And that’s everything you need to know first about titles, headings and paragraphs in HTML.

HTML for Beginners: Unnumbered, Numbered, Definition and Nested Lists (Part 4)

Read more http://www.webdesign.org/html-for-beginners-titles-headings-paragraphs-part-3.22310.html

Published on: Mar 03, 2021

Categories: Web Development

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