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Apple has made significant leaps with each edition of its smartphone when it comes to gaming prowess. And the 64-bit A7 processor within the iPhone 5s is no exception. Mobile gamers can expect everything from increased polygon counts to better detailed particle effects, more realistic lighting effects and more moving objects at once. And you can expect to get to those prettier visuals more quickly with improved load times. Here are the seven best games to make the most of the iPhone 5s’ graphics might.
Essentially the flagship game for the iPhone 5s, “Infinity Blade III” is the final installment in Chair Entertainment and Epic Games’ fantastical trilogy. Each iteration of “Infinity Blade” has released alongside the latest iPhone to showcase the handset’s incremental gains in power. Graphical features — like full-screen anti-aliasing, high-resolution shadows, distortion and more — make for visuals that rival what’s possible on today’s consoles. In comparison to “Infinity Blade III” on the iPhone 5, expect improvements in detail, like waving grass, more fluid water effects and smoother lens flares.
Read the “Infinity Blade III” Review, Download “Infinity Blade III”
Published on: Mar 03, 2021
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