5 Website Development Tips To Boost Your Business Growth Exponentially
Do you hear phantom smartphone ringing? Does a blinking light send your pulse through the roof? Do you feel anxious if you go 15 minutes without checking your email? It may be time for an e-tox break. We’re not talking about putting your phone down while eating a sandwich. Sometimes you need a dining experience or an afternoon escape sans tweeting or a real vacation in a place where getting online is simply impossible. Here are 10 great spots to unplug.
Home of the Green Bank Telescope and housed within the National Radio Quiet Zone, Green Bank has made it illegal to use your cellphone and Wi-Fi. The reason for this ban dates back to the 1950s, long before cellphones were ever a concern to its founders. Initially, this area was selected because it is naturally sheltered from television and radio signals by the Alleghany Mountains. Since the Green Bank Telescope is a radio telescope, it requires as little interference as possible to receive signals from distant worlds. Due to its lack of radio frequencies, people who suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (negative effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields) often visit. So if you love space or just want a break from your phone, visit Green Bank, where the Green Bank Science Center offers tours, activities, and events under the stars — all without any interruption.
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Published on: Mar 03, 2021
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