Linux has increasingly Grown over the years Due to its Performance, Pricing, Scalability, Efficiency , Security, Portability, wow it just goes on. However the only thing keeping Linux from reaching Number 1 in the server world is its 'ease of use' well this has now changed. Bash Panel Makes controlling your Linux Server Even Easier than Windows. Bash Panel Includes no other programming, no hidden code, just a Series of already Developed commands Formulated to make your life easier.
Bash Panel is compatible with all flavours of Linux, It is Interactive , Simple yet Extremely Powerful. It is hard to describe what Bash Panel can do , because it is capable of doing simply everything, no mater what system you own you can remotely send commands through options. 1 button will optimize your services for CPU / IO Priority.. 1 button can tell you your system Performance. It can also resize your hard drives easy. No more fiddling on google trying to find answers on or about your Linux system. This program puts your answers directly in front of you. And we Put it in the program.. And the Best Thing it is Absolutely Free
Connect to new servers with 1 button while staying in the script. Yes command and options are now working in the new server